Creating a Chemical-Free Home: Tips for Crunchy Moms

In a world filled with chemicals and pollutants, creating a chemical-free home has become a top priority for many parents. Chemical-free living isn't just a trend; it's a lifestyle choice that promotes well-being and sustainability. In this blog post, we'll explore some practical tips for crunchy moms (and anyone else interested) to create a chemical-free haven for their loved ones.

Choose Natural Cleaning Products

One of the first steps in creating a chemical-free home, is to replace conventional cleaning products with natural alternatives. Many store-bought cleaners contain harmful chemicals that can impact indoor air quality and pose health risks. Opt for eco-friendly, biodegradable cleaning solutions or create your own using ingredients like vinegar, baking soda, and essential oils. Our favorite cleaning products are from Young Living Thieves Home line. We use the Laundry Detergent and All Purpose Concentrate. You can shop here

Embrace Sustainable Home Decor

One of the things we’re incorporating as we prepare for baby #2, is sustainable and eco-friendly choices when it comes to home decor. Look for furniture and decor made from reclaimed wood, bamboo, or recycled materials. Avoid products that off-gas harmful chemicals, such as formaldehyde, commonly found in some furniture and flooring materials. Natural materials not only reduce chemical exposure but also promote a warm and inviting atmosphere. We’re furnishing the kid’s room with Babyletto furniture

Filter Your Tap Water

Water quality is essential for a chemical-free home. Install a high-quality water filtration system to remove contaminants like chlorine, lead, and pesticides from your tap water. This ensures that your family is drinking and using clean, chemical-free water. Additionally, consider using reusable stainless steel or glass water bottles to reduce plastic waste.


You would be SHOCKED about how many chemicals are in the products that we use on our skin and hair everyday, especially in the US. The FDA has banned or restricted only NINE chemicals, causing us to fall severely behind at least 40 other countries taking adequate steps to safeguard consumer safety through rules for cosmetics. We have completely ditched-and-switched all of our cosmetic products to Monat. Now, our haircare, skincare, bodycare, and my makeup is Monat. Their products are approved not only in the US, but in 10 other countries including the UK(who’s standards are extremely high when it comes to cosmetics).

You can shop Monat products here

Invest in Organic Bedding and Mattresses

We spend a significant portion of our lives sleeping, so it's essential to make your sleep environment chemical-free. Choose organic bedding, pillows, and mattresses made from natural materials like organic cotton, wool, or latex. These materials are free from synthetic chemicals and provide a healthier and more comfortable sleeping experience. Shop my favorite bedding here

Reduce Plastic Usage

Swap plastic food storage containers for glass or stainless steel options. Use reusable cloth bags for shopping, and choose natural fiber, organic clothing for your family to reduce exposure to synthetic dyes and chemicals. Shop my favorite waste-reducing items here

Creating a chemical-free home is a journey that aligns with the values for anyone else seeking a healthier, more sustainable lifestyle. By making mindful choices about the products you use and the materials you surround yourself with, you can provide a safe and nurturing environment for your family. Remember that every small step toward a chemical-free home, contributes to a healthier planet and a brighter future for you and your loved ones.

Missi Calvert